Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Charlie Has Cranial Synostosis

Charlie has a condition known as cranial synostosis. Simply put, his saggital suture (top of the skull) has fused prematurely. This causes his head to grow abnormally as you can see from the pictures. At some point, he will need surgery to open the suture so that his brain has room to grow. Having this condition also causes pressure on his optical orbits, which in turn, causes his eyes to have a "bugging out" appearance. The good news is that the cranial synostosis is the least of our worries where Charlie is concerned. We have complete confidence in his neurosurgeon and neonatologists and once he is bigger and stronger, he will have surgery to correct it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope your twins are doing good,I
hope your son Charlie is doing good,my son Charlie was also born with cranialsynostosis hes a triplet, he had surgery when he was 6 months old and he is now 2yrs6 months old and he is doing great. Im sure your son will do as good as my Charlie. will keep him in my prayers. thanks
Mayra Tapia