Sunday, March 28, 2004

Matthew Contracts RSV in NICU

Just when things began looking up, Matthew has contracted RSV. Respiratory Syncytial Virus is a very contagious virus that gives most people a plain, old, common cold. In premature infants, RSV can be fatal. Matthew has been transferred to the PICU and is in isolation until the virus runs it course (possibly a month). Matthew is really sick, the RSV has caused pheumonia and his right lung has collapsed. It is really looking bleak. He has been put back on life support and has swollen twice his normal size. Because he was "rooming" with Charlie and another baby, we must wait to see if they contract it also. The doctors have told us that Charlie won't survive a blow such as RSV. He has been given a synargis vaccine and all we can do is pray. The entire NICU has been tested and now they have placed stronger restrictions on visitors. Please pray for our boys and the other babies that may have been infected.

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