Thursday, July 13, 2006

Shy, Little Miss Riley Ann!

Today, we officially hit the 30 week point! Oh yeah, I'm doing a little dance. We couldn't get any good ultrasound photos of our newest addition because she is just too darn shy. She kept her arm in front of her face during the entire exam. Needless to say, and as creepy as it looks, this is as good a photo as we could get. She is up to a chubby 3lbs 8ozs and is right on schedule. Mommy, on the otherhand, is already experiencing signs of pre-term labor and was told today that my cervix is already starting to thin and soften. The good news is that my doctor didn't seem too terribly concerned at this development and he's not ready to "hit the panic button" just yet. Posted by Picasa

The panic button remains until we have to hit it. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Smith Family said...

Your ultrasounds are so intersting to see! I never got any 4-D ultasounds with my girls! Can't wait to meet her in person!!
