Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Baby #5 Update

We had our 25-26 week ultrasound today and are thrilled to have NOTHING to report! Yippee! I guess I should clarify that we have nothing bad to report. She is growing beautifully and is up to a whopping 1lb 13oz. We have decided to name her Riley Ann. Ann is my mother's middle name and I've always wanted to name a baby girl after my mom. So, as it turns out, it's a win-win situation around here and we are really getting excited to meet this new little person.


Anonymous said...

Wow, this is great!! I am so excited for you guys. Call us sometime (we've lost your new number--again***) -- Ally Sullivan

Anonymous said...

Yeah for Riley Ann!! What a lucky little girl. love you guys bunches- Jay, Sally, Ian & Kathryn

The Roberson's said...

Great news Christy! You know I have been callig you for weeks now and was beginning to worry! Glad to hear that everything is going well.