Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Double Trouble

Whoever said that twins were twice the work was right. What they failed to mention is that twins are twice the fun...... So, for those of you who don't know what it's like to have twins, here's a little rundown...
  • We go through roughly 224 diapers a month
  • They drink 12 gallons of milk per month
  • I do at least 75 loads of laundry a month
  • We wash and use 200 sippy cups in a month
  • They go through 200 wipes per month
  • We say "no" 1000 (or more) times per monthPosted by Picasa

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Baby Thomas Countdown

You will notice that I've updated the "official" Baby Thomas Countdown and we now only have to wait 59 more days. That is, as long as Mr. Thomas doesn't decide to make an earlier appearance. Ben and Kristin have decided on March 17, 2006 for his "birth" day, get it? I'm so funny. We are anxious to meet the new "St. Patrick Day" baby and to see how much he looks like his big sister. Ben and Kristin make cute babies and I would say to them, "keep 'em coming" but I think I'd be in trouble. You can't blame me for trying....

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Just a few Updated Pictures

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My GiGi!

Every picture tells a story, but these pictures tell a story too cute for words. The kids call my Grandma (Minnie), GiGi (get it, Great Grandma?). Anyway, my grandparents have thankfully been a big part of our lives. They stayed with us for several months after the twins were born to help, which by the way, was priceless and I will never be able to thank them enough. Needless to say, the twins are extremely fond of Grandpa and GiGi and really miss them since they have gone back to Florida. Charlie got ahold of a photo of them and suddenly became very possessive. He wouldn't let anyone else see it, especially Matthew. When Matthew would try to take the picture, Charlie would scream "My GiGi" and clutch the picture close to his chest and run. He finally sat on the couch with his prized possession, pointing to GiGi and finally, after all the drama, he kissed her picture. Now that's sweet! Posted by Picasa

Friday, January 13, 2006

Welcome Ryan Thomas Roberson!

Congratulations to Scott and April Roberson on their newest addition. Little Ryan Thomas was born on December 12, 2005 (he shares his birthday with Molly) and weighed in at a whopping 10lbs 10ozs. I think he looks like his big brother Justin. I just want to squeeze him he's so cute.... Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy Birthday Uncle Scott!

So, is this 25 or 26? I guess we'll never know. Have a great birthday!  Posted by Picasa