Sunday, June 01, 2008

March For Babies 2008

Yes! We did it. The Davidson Twins were honored to win the #1 Family team in our area raising almost $8,700 and I have just recently found out that we are in the top 5 to win the coveted #1 Team in South Carolina. All of the numbers haven't completely come in yet, so they don't have an accurate total to announce who will be taking home the prize, but I don't have to tell you who that will be. Yes, you guessed it, THE DAVIDSON TWINS, and we have you to thank for it. We busted last year's record by thousands, can you believe it? And, I have to admit, being an Ambassador Family was exhausting, but really fun and we got to meet so many great and influential people in our community. We did at least two dozen speeches, we were on TV several times and in the newspapers more than we were even aware of. We had a celebrity status if only briefly, but I really felt like we helped the March of Dimes reach their goal. We were lucky enough to forge new friendships that will last a lifetime and to bring neighborhoods together to save babies. Again this year, we have been humbled by the outpouring of generosity. That of family, friends and complete strangers. You are what made our team so successful and you have had a huge impact in the life of a premature baby or that of a baby born with a birth defect. Thank you on behalf of the entire Davidson Family, we love you all....

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