Friday, October 19, 2007

Meet the March of Dimes 2008 Ambassadors

It's official, we have been named the 2008 March of Dimes Ambassadors. We had a huge kick-off this morning at GHS. We were one of two families (the other being the 2007 Ambassador family) to ever be on the bus and see how wonderful it truly is. You can go to www.marchofdimes/everybaby and actually follow the bus throughout it's journey to NYC. There was lots of media there and we had a small "ceremony" where the 2007 Ambassadors handed the torch to us. It was really fun and we were honored to be choosen. Brian, myself and Charlie were interviewed by Channel 7 (CBS) and it is supposed to air tonight between 5pm-6:30pm. Hopefully most of it went on the cutting room floor, we were pretty nervous and overwhelmed. The litle girl that was the Ambassador last year has her picture on the side of the bus and was in the NICU the same time as the twins. I don't think the twins would sit still long enough to have their little faces on the bus, but you never know what we are going to do next.


The Barnett's said...

Christy that is amazing!! Congrats!!

Tiffany Evans said...


I found your blog through another, and have been reading for almost an hour. Thank you for sharing. Your story is very encouraging.

Tiffany Evans