Friday, May 18, 2007

The Twins Are Headed To School This Fall!

Our visit to the Meyer Center For Special Children went extremely well today. The school and the people we spoke to exceeded my expectations. They actually spent time with the twins, as well as Brian and myself, getting to know us and attempting to spot weaknesses and strengths in the boys. At the end of the visit, we collectively decided that the boys would benefit from attending and they have been enrolled to start next fall. Having said that, they must complete the testing we started yesterday at CDS to determine their eligibility status, but all indications are that they will require special education. The Meyer Center works with children with all kinds of disabilities. These disabilities range from mild to severe in some cases. They have children with Downs Syndrome, children with physical and mental disabilities and some with autistic tendencies. If Matthew were to be officially diagnosed with Autism, he would not be able to attend the Meyer Center, the school district would find another place for him. Happily, during our visit yesterday, the school officials felt strongly that he did NOT have autism, but autistic tendencies and that made me feel much better. The best part of the visit is that Cheryl, the Occupational Therapist the twins had from birth, now works at the Meyer Center. I trust her judgement completely and would feel at ease knowing they were in an environment where she was involved.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ya'll have been on our minds and in our prayers for the last week. I'm so relieved that you feel good about the school, and that the boys will be there in the fall. As you know, the boys can't have too much support or too many people who love them! Please know that we are here for ya'll! We love you!!!
Jay and Sally