Friday, May 11, 2007

Evil Twin Update

It's been a while since I've posted about the boys. Luckily for all of us, we haven't had anything to post, like emergency visits, hospital stays, etc. Needless to say, the boys are doing great health wise. Charlie just had a visit with his neurosurgeon and received a clean bill of health. Barring any unforseen shunt issues, we don't have to see Dr. Johnson for another year! Both of the twins are being screened by the Child Find Initiative of Greenville County on Tuesday. Child Find is a component of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act that requires states to identify, locate, and evaluate all children with disabilities. I, personally, hate the "children with disabilities" part of that statement, because I simply don't think of my boys as disabled. Challenged, but not disabled. Having said that, the twins will be screened in areas such as: communication skills, cognitive skills, motor skills, daily living skills, social/emotional skills, vision, hearing and orthopedic needs. The screenings are a series of tests and professional observations in various developmental areas. Children who demonstrate moderate delays in two or more areas, or significant delays in one or more areas in the screening process are asked to move on to receive an in-depth evaluation. Luckily, we will know the results of these screenings on Tuesday and whether or not there is reason to send one or both boys for more comprehensive tests. Sadly, Brian and I feel strongly that Matthew will be sent for more in-depth evaluations as we see several areas in which we believe he is delayed. On Wednesday, we will be visiting the Meyer Center as it has been recommended to us more times than I can count for possible schooling for both boys. I have been dragging my feet, because I didn't want to put the boys in a school for children with disabilities. As you can tell, I have a issue with this. Maybe I need help. Maybe I'm in denial, I don't know. We will just have to see how the visit goes Wednesday. The upside is that the boys occupational therapist that they had now works at the Meyer Center and that makes me feel better because we love Cheryl and know that she has their best interest in mind, no matter how I crazy I am.

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