Sunday, August 27, 2006

Our Two Monsters

Now that we are officially deep into the "terrible two's", it's hard to get both boys in a picture at once, let alone one with them actually looking at the camera. These boys are truly a handful.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

First Day of School

My babies are growing up! Max started 2nd grade this morning and Molly is officially in kindergarden! I can't wait until they get home from school to hear all about their first day!  Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Baby Riley Update

Here we are at 34 weeks and we feel like we have won the lottery. We will be having an amnio on August 28th and if her lungs are mature enough, we will most likely deliver on the 29th. So, if nature doesn't decide to change our plans, I'll only be pregnant 2 1/2 more weeks! Once again, I'm doing the baby dance. I've attached a couple of pictures we got today and although her umbilical cord is directly in front of her face, you can tell that she is really starting to "fill-out". She weighs 4lbs 7ozs and they estimate her to weigh 5 1/2 pounds when she is born.