Monday, February 20, 2006

It's Official, We're Expecting Baby #5

Yes, it is true! The Davidson clan will be welcoming a new member this September. Are you okay? We know it's a shock, so take a minute to let it sink in. We will have FIVE children, yes, I said it, FIVE. I thought it would be appropriate to answer some of the questions we've gotten so far, so here goes...
  1. No, we're not crazy.
  2. No, I didn't have a hysterectomy after the twins birth. It was mentioned as a possibility after the twins were delivered, but wasn't necessary. All my plumbing is completely intact.
  3. We are certain there is only ONE baby this time.
  4. Our physician reassures us that this will be a normal pregnancy and delivery and that we will not have a repeat of the twins birth.
  5. Yes, we are happy. I think we're getting pretty good at this parenting thing, so why not?
  6. No, we will not be doing this again. Five is plenty.

Our new motto is "What's One More"?

The Davidson Twins Turn Two!

Thanks to all of our family and friends who celebrated the twins 2nd birthday with us on Saturday. We had a great time spending the afternoon with you and letting our kids play together. It's a wonderful thing sharing these occasions with all the people we love. The twins love their new toys and books. We may never get them out of their room with all of their new, fun stuff.

p.s. Keith, you know you're a great dad when you are willing to spend several hours at a toddler birthday party with a baby blanket draped over your shoulder, just in case your little one needs it. Maren is one lucky little girl and cute as a button too!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus

So, we did it. We took the twins to their first circus. I know what you are thinking, are they nuts? Well, yes we are. The twins were amazed and I had a great time watching them see it all for the first time. If you ask Charlie if he went to the circus, he'll say "yep I did". So funny. Posted by Picasa