Thursday, September 15, 2005

Twins 18mth Check-Up

Charlie & Matthew had their 18 month check-up last week and I am happy to report they are both doing great. They are still below the 10% in height and weight, but who cares, they will catch up sometime. Besides, they look HUGE to me, especially Matthew. Both babies go next week to developmental pediatrics to have special hearing tests, but we are confident that both boys will pass with flying colors. Charlie's vocabulary is over 50 words now and he is starting to learn pronouns (her's, his, etc.) along with adding more verbs and trying to use them in sentences. He is starting to color sort, which is a skill he shouldn't have for his age. Go Charlie! Matthew is beginning to talk more and has about 15 words he uses on a regular basis. Charlie is taking steps here and there, but nothing consistant. I have to say that early intervention and therapy have made all the difference in the twins lives. We count our blessings everyday around here.

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