Friday, September 23, 2005

Greenville Zoo

We had a "play date" at the Zoo today with Sharon (twins's EI). It was REALLY hot, but the kids were amazed by how close we were to the animals. Of course, we couldn't go to the zoo without taking Katie along. She is so funny. She immediately made us aware that she didn't like the elephant and she certainly didn't like bears (in fact, she refused to have her picture taken on the bear, no way, no how). And the second she walked into the reptile house, she turned around and high-tailed it right back out! What a smart girl! Speaking of smart, Sharon is amazed at how talkative Katie is and how clearly she speaks. Sharon would know, she's a professional at that kind of stuff. Way to go Katie girl! I can't help but to brag on her, I just love that kid.

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