Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Charlie Takes First Steps

Okay, okay, I realize this is premature. However, I have to share this with everyone! Charlie, Mr. Cerebral Palsy himself, took five steps today! Oh yeah, you heard me right. FIVE STEPS! He is systematically reaching all of his goals, even the ones the doctors said might not happen. Of course, I always thought he was a genius, but now he is a WALKING Genius!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

PETsMART Grand Opening

Brian officially opened his 2nd PETsMART this morning in Greenville as Store Director. Molly did a great job cutting the ribbon, shocking all of us because we thought she would chicken out. You rock, Molly! Everyone at Petsmart worked really hard to make this grand opening a success and they should all be congratulated. I especially know how hard Brian has worked, all the hours he has spent in the new store and all the sacrifices he has made and I couldn't be prouder. p.s. Yep, that is Brian in the dog costume!

Friday, August 26, 2005

Happy Birthday Losers!

Okay, so they aren't losers, I have to call them that because they are my brothers. Everyone join me in wishing Allen and BJ Happy Birthday. I love you guys.....Christy

Sunday, August 21, 2005


Congratulations to Ben, Kristin and Katie! They are expecting a new addition to their family to arrive next March. We are so excited for them. Ben and Kristin are wonderful parents and Katie will be a awesome big sister. I am thrilled to be adding another neice or nephew to my list of children to spoil. Yeah! Now, if I can just get BJ and Amy to follow Ben and Kristen's lead.....Hey, I can wish can't I?

Friday, August 19, 2005

Best Photographer In Greer

As many of you know, our neighbor is a professional photographer. Karl has also become a great friend of our family. I have posted some of his work for you all to see. So, if by chance, you need a good photographer, you can e-mail Karl at kv22@charter.net. Tell him Christy sent you....

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Cousins Make The Best Friends

Luckily, Katie gets to come hang out with us as pretty often and the kids get so excited when I tell them that Katie is coming to play. This picture was taken one afternoon when I was sneaking up on them because they were being way too quiet. I just knew they were in trouble, but instead they were being prefect angels. I just love these kids...

Jennifer & Garrett

Jennifer just e-mailed this picture to me and I just had to put it up for everyone to see. I just love it.....

Allen Moves To Wilmington

Allen has moved to Wilmington to live with BJ and Amy. He is going to go to college at Cape Fear and blow the socks off of everyone playing golf. Allen, if you're reading this, put a little "umphh" into it. I love you and I'm very proud of you......

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Prayer Request

My grandmother, Minnie, is having surgery this Thursday for her shoulder. Please say a prayer for her that everything goes well. Grandma, if you are reading this, I love you and I wish I could be with you....Christy p.s. Grandpa, I love you too!

Monday, August 15, 2005

Getting Ready For School

August 22nd is fast approaching and Max is getting ready for another round of 1st grade. We are lucky enough to have the same teacher from last year and even luckier to have his Aunt Kristin helping him so Max is destined to have a great year! Good luck boogerhead!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Happy Birthday Christy!

It's not often that I admit to having another birthday, but this year was an exception. Brian surprised me with a "princess" party complete with decorations, cake and gifts, as well as a HUGE sign covering our ENTIRE back yard (it must have taken quite some time) wishing me happy birthday. Those of you who know Brian well, will know that for him to do this to the yard was a very, big deal. It was so sweet, I just had to share it.

Scott, Jennifer & Garrett Come For A Visit

Scott, Jennifer and Garrett came to Greenville this weekend and they stopped by for a quick visit before returning to Columbia. I'm amazed everytime I see Garrett at how quick he is growing up. It is really fun watching the kids play together, but getting them all to sit still for a picture isn't so easy....

Bele Cher 2005

Mom and I took the kids to Asheville this past weekend to meet up with BJ and Amy. The kids love spending time with Uncle B and Aunt Amy. We all walked through Bele Cher, dodging crazy people the entire time, but had a fun doing it. Try pushing a double stoller through a million people and you'll know what I mean...... p.s. It's nice to see my brother on a website that is not pay-per-view! I'm only kidding!