Thursday, March 31, 2005

Mickey Mouse, Here We Come!

Yes, that's right, the Davidson clan hit Orlando at full speed. We celebrated Brian's birthday with a trip to the Magic Kingdom. Brian and I took Max and Molly (it was her 1st visit) while the twins stayed with GiGi, Grandpa and Grandma in Leesburg. It goes without saying that we rode lots of rides, ate tons of junk food and even shook hands with the mouse himself. Just think, in a few more years we can go back with all FOUR kids! Yippee!

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Brian's New Car

Let us welcome the newest member of the Davidson household, the 2005 Mustang that has now become Brian's pride and joy. He has even named the car, so when you see him on the road, say hello to Gracie....

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Happy Easter!

Easter was extremely special this year because last Easter the babies were still in the NICU. We had such a good time coloring and hunting eggs (at least those which Brian didn't eat). And, it goes without saying, that we always enjoy Easter dinner at Grandma Lynn and Poppo's house and spending time with family. Happy Easter!

Brian turns 37!

We celebrated Brian's 37th birthday this year while on vacation in Florida. We spent the week with my grandparents and managed to take Max and Molly to the Magic Kingdom. Back at my grandparents house, we had a small party complete with cake and ice cream. Happy Birthday Brian!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Katie Turns Two!

I simply can't believe Katie is two years old! Wasn't she just born last week? She has turned into quite the independent little person. She can down a sippy cup of juice faster than I can pour it and she is talking so well that she seems much older than she is. Katie loves the babies and she knows which baby is Charlie and which one is Matthew. All I can say is that most adults can't do that. Go Katie Girl!