Thursday, February 24, 2005

The Davidson Twins Turn One!

Charlie and Matthew turned one and we celebrated with a big birthday bash at the Pelham Falls Clubhouse. The party was a celebration of not only their 1st birthday, but in honor of all our family and friends who have prayed for the boys and given our family the support we needed to get our babies healthy. We had about 50 guests and we hope that all who attended had as good a time as we did. Happy Birthday Boys!

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Chris & Vicki Visit SC

Chris and Vicki came for a visit and we had a great time. Family is very special to us so anytime we can get together, it is priceless! We just wished they lived closer, hint! hint!

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Occupational Therapy

Cheryl is the twins Occupational Therpist and we just love her! She has come to be a great friend and the babies have learned so much from her. We always look forward to her weekly visits and I am constantly trying to fix her up with all the handsome men I can find. So, if you know of any single men, let me know so I can forward the info on to Cheryl..... p.s. Cheryl is probably going to strangle me.....