Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Twins Released From Hospital

Yippee! The babies were released today after 66 days in the NICU! I just held my breath until we actually had them in the car and approached the exit. We still have a long road ahead of us, but with all of your prayers and support, we will all be just fine. The picture was taken by the hospital and it's hard to believe they are two and a half months old, they are still so small. Matthew came home at a whopping 5lbs and Charlie, bless his heart, weighs in at big 4lbs.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

The RSV is Gone!

Matthew has recovered from the RSV and we can't be happier! On April 19, 2004 he was released from the PICU and sent to a regular room. He must be kept away from the other preemies for a few more days just to be sure the virus is gone. This was my first time getting to spend the night at the hospital with one of the twins, my emotions were running amuck. He got to go back with his big brother on April 21st and both babies were allowed for the first time to "co-bed". I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw my babies together for the first time. It was amazing. I think I slept better that night just knowing that they were together.

Friday, April 16, 2004

Charlie Has Stridor

After undergoing a barium swallow, a pH probe and a bronchoscopy, Charlie has been diagnosed with some mild laryngomalacia and partial vocal cord paralysis that is causing stridor. For those of us without medical degrees, Stridor is a condition which causes him to make strange, crow-like sounds when he attempt to eat or anytime his airway is irritated.