Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Intraventricular Hemmorages

Intraventricular Hemmorages (IVH) are common among premature infants born as early as our babies were. It is bleeding occurring in an inner part of the brain, near the ventricles, where premature babies have blood vessels that are particularly fragile and prone to rupture. Matthew's IVH was a Grade 2, meaning that the doctors are not worried about long-term problems. Charlie, however, had a Grade 4 IVH. Because of this, Charlie will be montiored VERY closely. The long-term outcome for Charlie depends on the extent of injury caused by the lack of blood flow and oxygen to the brain around the time of the bleed. Unfortunately, because his bleed was so bad, he has been diagnosed with periventricular leukomacia. Charlie's PVL occured in his white matter, near the ventricules. It is a serious brain injury and there is no treatment. Basically, he has portions of his brain that have died. In his particular case, the brain damage will cause Charlie to have some form(s) of disability. Charlie has better than 90% chance of having cerebral palsy, cognitive delays, seizure disorders, etc. This news has been particularly devestating on top of everything else we have endured in the last few weeks. Please pray for us.

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